@Nurph's Up: 13/09/2013 -- #Shoutout_UK

@Nurph said: Hey all, @Shoutout_UK held their first #Shoutout_UK chat this week! Lots of great conversation from the participants.
@Eggdough said: @Nurph Sounds great. How do we participate?
@Nurph said: @Eggdough it's easy. Just 'Nurph' the #Shoutout_UK hashtag as the chat is about to begin (type it in to the Nurph homepage). And you can follow @Shoutout_UK to hear about their latest chats.
@Jestly said: @Nurph heh...Got a hashtag? There's a chat for that! /play rimshot.

What's new in Nurph?


#LitChat: @LitChat, @richmagahiz, @Pendare, @LindseyOConnor, @RaeNire chatted with guest host @RoganBarbara, author of "A Dangerous Fiction" and other novels http://www.amazon.co.uk/Barbara-Rogan/e/B000AP7Y9A
#SciFiChat: @richmagahiz stopped by to discuss "How has Frederik Pohl touched your life?"


#LitChat: @LitChat, @Pendare: "Today we're discussing how fiction and literary criticism may have influenced evolution."

- #MomBizMondays: @Scripti_Ashley, @ilovemsmd, @MomBizCoach brought their community together for "making time for the things that count."


#LitChat: @LitChat, @ChatSalad, @Pendare, @DutchessAbroad, @Nurph chatted with guest host @jlichtenberg: "Let's talk now about writing for the gaming world. What exactly is gaming fiction? How does one approach as craft?"

- #AWCChat: @Scripti_Ashley, @ChatSalad, @NeilCauldwell stopped by to discuss "Productivity":

- #Shoutout_UK: @stephendleece, @NeilCauldwell, @WeGotIssuez, @ChatSalad, @tub, @rmfergusson, @Shoutout_UK, @Nurph, 
@emmanuelopiah, @thepoliticianuk joined @ShoutOut_UKs first hashtag chat with a debate on #Syria:

- #HBRogue: @Scripti_Ashley, @ChatSalad, @HonchoHub discussed "Employee Engagement":

- #MediaMadness: @scriptilabs, @timmermanngroup, @NeilCauldwell, @ChatSalad, @scripti_meg, @Scripti_Ashley, @clevrcat, @AustinPaley, @hmelv1, @mombizcoach, @AliciaChantelle, @JacksonSalza Nurphed it up to discuss becoming an authority in your industry!

Coming Up

Bug Fixes

- We fixed an intermittent bug that caused a few bugs when using hashtags with underscores in them.

New Features

- Watch this whitespace!

Until Next Time

Have a great weekend everyone.



p.s. Have you thought about starting a hashtag for your business or industry?