@Nurph's Up - 21/06/2013 - Twitter Hashtag Chats

@Nurph said: Running or participating in Twitter Hashtag Chats? We've got some exciting stuff for you this week.
@Eggdough said: @Nurph Cool! Hashtag Chats are really fun, but they could certainly be easier to participate in.
@Nurph said: @Eggdough Sure. Nurph Channels make it easier to participate in Hashtag Chats. Just check out these tweets...

What's New in the Nurph?

Twitter Hashtag Chats are Nurphin' it up in their Channels! Here's some screenshots:

Just type your hashtag in to the Nurph home page and #chat.

Bug Fixes:

- The @Reply and ReTweet buttons were working intermittently (first sighting by @LitChat https://twitter.com/LitChat/status/344911046106034176). #BugHunt.

- The '&' ampersand character was rendering as '&' due to the character escaping method (first sighting by @Nurph). #BugHunt

- "Application Errors" were popping up due to timeouts from a highly populated Redis Set (first tweeted by @yankeerudy
https://twitter.com/yankeerudy/status/342666799336271872) #BugHunt

- The Tweets Streams were dropping intermittently (first sighting by @Scripti_Ashley from @Scripti_Labs….Sorry, I can't find the tweet for this one). 

New Features:

- A new "quoted RT" button has been added in to tweets (kindly requested by @LitChat https://twitter.com/LitChat/status/345525978799411200). #NewFeature.

This week the #BugHunt Trophy goes to…@LitChat! Thanks @LitChat :) Also I'd like to say a big thank you to @Scripti_Ashley and @script_meg for testing out bug some fixes and the #mediamadness, and to @garry12gg for tweeting questions to me:

Have a great weekend everyone. If you'd like to chat with me please stop by #Nurph.



p.s. Got a hashtag? NURPH IT!