@Nurph said: We've got some awesome new features this week, including fantastic tweet search & filtering, and your tweets ordered by Retweet count!
@Eggdough said: @Nurph Wow! Now I can filter/search my tweets by keywords, and see which are my most popular tweets! Anything else?
@Nurph said: @Eggdough Sure. For example, you can see which days of the week and hours of the day you're most likely to be responded to. And there's tons more.
@Jestly said: @Nurph This sounds sweet. Sweet for the tweet!
This Weeks: What's new in Nurph?
@Tweets (Statistics)
Get a whole new level of insights in to your Tweets:
- Order your Tweets by Retweet count, sender, time, content, and more
- Search through your Tweets using a fast new tweet search tool
- Filter your Tweets using keywords
- See which days of the week you Tweet the most on
- See which hour of the day you Tweet the most on
- See your Tweets counted and plotted on a graph timeline
- See how many times you Tweet on a daily basis
- See how many times you Tweeted between specific dates
- And more!
@Replies (Statistics)
Dig deeper in to your @Replies:
- See your @Replies counted and plotted on a graph timeline
- See how many times you're @Replied on a daily basis
- See how many times you're @Replied between specific dates
- Search through your @Replies using a fast new search tool
- Order your @Replies by Retweet count, sender, time, content, and more
- Filter your @Replies using keywords
- See which days of the week you're @Replied the most on
- See which hour of the day your @Replied the most on
- See a table of the people who @Reply you the most
- Search through your Top @Repliers by keyword, e.g. name and location
@Mentions (Statistics)
Get the same powerful features for your @Mentions too!
- Search your @Mentions with keyword filtering
- See Top @Mentioners
- See days/hours when you are @Mentioned
@ReTweets (Statistics)
Get the same powerful features for your ReTweets too!
- See a list of your most retweeted tweets
- See who Retweets you the most
- See which hour of the day you're retweeted the most on
- See which day of the week you're retweeted the most on
#Mentions (Hashtag Statistics)
Nurph gives you #Hashtag Stats too!
- Note: #Hashtag = Nurph #Channel
- See your Hashtag/Channel #Mentions counted and plotted on a graph timeline
- See a list of the most retweeted #Mention tweets
- Search #Mentions tweets using a fast new search tool
- See who #Mentions the most
- See which day of the week the Hashtag/Channel receives the most #Mentions
- See which hour of the day the Hashtag/Channel receives the most #Mentions
- See the top URLs referenced in #Mentions
- See who is @Mentioned the most in #Mention tweets
- See the most retweeted #Mentions
- See which days of the week your Hashtag/Channel gets the most #Mentions
- See which hours in the day your Hashtag/Channel gets the most #Mentions
- And there's more!
@Followers & Following
- See the percentages of your Followers/Following languages
- See the percentages of your Followers/Following locations
Now those are some powerful new features! At present the tweet statistics are based on a profile of 1000 of your recent tweets but we're currently optimising our systems to handle your entire tweet history.
This Weeks: Top Tip
Trying to find a tweet? Try the new Tweet "Search" box above your Tweets, @Replies, @Mentions, @ReTweets and #Mentions tables - it's the best way to search through, filter, and order your tweets. Just type in a keyword and the search box filters the tweets for you.
This Weeks: Until Next Time
The new Nurph & Twitter Statistics are being rolled out to beta testers upon request. If you would like to join the beta, tweet @Nurph.