@Nurph's Workshop: 80sTrivia iOS App

80sTrivia is an iOS trivia app by Nurph. Download it right here http://goo.gl/RJOE2. You can play 60-second, multiple-choice-question rounds about 80s TV & movies (more topics on the way), and you can log-in with a Twitter account to publish your high scores to a leaderboard on http://80s.TriviaNova.com


The iOS app uses:

- RubyMotion
- bundler
- bubble-wrap
- twittermotion
- NSUserDefaults
- A super-simple, custom "AceModel" ORM by @NeilCauldwell: http://pastie.org/7067134

The web API uses:

- Rails
- Twitter gem
- PostgreSQL
- Heroku

The RubyMotion toolchain is great fun to develop with, as it makes the transition from writing Ruby web apps to iOS apps a little smoother. "AceModel" will probably be swapped out to something like MotionModel, but writing a custom ORM provided an opportunity to learn about NSUserDefaults and other storage options on iOS. Also, a UI tool such as SugarCube or Pixate could be integrated to help separate the view and controller logic.


Right now 80sTrivia is side-project/playground app for getting to grips with RubyMotion/iOS development - but version 1.0 had good visibility in the App Store shortly after publication and was downloaded 700 times in the first weekend. Total downloads are now over 2000.

Version 2.0 has only just entered the App Store, so it'll be great to see Twitter users logging-in and publishing their high scores to the leaderboard.

What's Next?

There's much more on the roadmap, including more advanced Twitter, and even Nurph Channel integration! Watch this space…

Download the app http://goo.gl/RJOE2, log-in with your Twitter account, and let's see those high scores!