Statistics Dashboard & The Beta Testers

@Nurph said: @Eggdough have you ever wanted a super-clean & tidy interface on which to check your weekly Twitter Stats?
@Eggdough said: @Nurph Sure! Like @Replies, ReTweets, Follower count, Follower reach, etc?
@Nurph said: @Eggdough Yep! That's what Nurph now gives you. Just log-in to and visit your @Statistics page for insights every day.
@Nurph said: @Eggdough also, we've got some nice Beta Testers in to help us refine the new Twitter Statistics features! 
@Eggdough said: @Nurph awesome - who are they? I'd like to meet them!
@Nurph said: @Eggdough let me introduce @Autom8, @AudioMo, @Auxbuss, @Ernmander, @garry12gg, @RyanTownsend, and @tomhut.
@Eggdough said: @Autom8, @AudioMo, @Auxbuss, @Ernmander, @garry12gg, @RyanTownsend @tomhut hi all!
@Jestly said: @Eggdough they're in the #NURPH!

This Weeks: What's new in Nurph?

- A super-clean dashboard for viewing the weekly changes in your Twitter Stats!

  • Followers
  • Following
  • Potential reach via Followers
  • Potential reach via Following
  • Tweets, @Replies, @Mentions, Retweets, and more!

- The @Replies graphs are upgraded from 2 months to 12 months of data
- The ReTweets graphs are upgraded 2 months to 12 months of data
- Your tweet tables have vastly improved "created at" time ordering
- There are new Plotlines to the graphs for easy viewing of data on each day
- A bug was fixed which included @Mentions inside your Channel #Mentions
- A new caching approach has vastly speeded up the loading of Stats pages
- Retina-ready logos have been added

- Meet our new Twitter Statistics Beta Testers!

- Nurph was featured on the RedisToGo company blog! Redis is an in-memory, key-value data store that it used in several areas of the Nurph architecture. RedisToGo are one of the top dogs in Redis hosting. Check out the post!

- Finally, we would like to apologise for the downtime that we experienced late on Thursday and most of Friday. This It was due to a database platform issue, and was resolved by our hosting provider. This is also the reason for the delay in publishing this weekly blog post.

This Weeks: Top Tip

Check your Nurph Twitter Stats daily to see your changes in Followers/Following, Follower Reach, Following Reach, etc, and make sure you adjusting your Twitter activity and outgoing messages in response to the data.

Until Next Time

Fancy joining our Twitter Statistics Beta Testers? Tweet @Nurph.