Peter Çoopèr in the Nurph!

As the founder of @RubyInside, @CoderIO, co-host on The Ruby Show (among other things!), @PeterC is a well known figure in the Ruby community, and we've been chatting across Twitter for a few years now. Last week I thought it was about time I contacted Peter directly about Nurph, and on the Friday afternoon Peter logged in, tweeted the link to, and bought several of his Twitter friends together for a real-time Twitter chat. Nurph's Up!

After the session Peter very kindly emailed me with these thoughts & feature suggestions which I've shortened for your convenience:

- Provide archives/logs of the chat that happens in a Channel for follow-up screenshots & sharing (i.e. via transcript URLs)
- Improve and streamline the logging in procedure
- Allow anyone to chat in a Channel, rather than just the people that the Twitter account follows
- Simplify the layout: Peter preferred the thinner design without the left hand 'active channels' list, as seen here:

Do you have any thoughts on those suggestions, and would you vote for them too?

@Nurph Welcome Messages

Have you logged-in to your Nurph Channel today? A brand new feature just went live - a welcome message from @Nurph itself asking you if you want to tweet a link to your Twitter friends & followers to bring them together in real-time! It pops up in the chat timeline just as if @Nurph was chatting with you.

Remember, Nurph lets the people you follow chat in your channel, and the followers can watch the chat happening from the audience - it's like a real-time chat extension to Twitter. Just click the link in the new message from @Nurph and watch your Twitter community getting together in real-time. Nurph said!

Do you have any feature suggestions? Lets us know in the comments.

New Intro Video (Beta Launch On the Way)

Have you seen the new We're gearing up for a beta launch of the brand new Nurph (Twitter's Missing Group Feature; bring your Twitter friends & followers together in real-time!), so there's a brand new intro video for you to enjoy too.

What do you think of the video? And have you tried chatting with your Twitter community in real-time? We're often hanging out in and chatting about startups, design, development, and general tech chitter chatter - so stop by and say hi!

Build a Real-Time Twitter Chat Community (Emotio Meets Nurph)

I recently contacted my friend @nickwsmith, co-founder of, (an up & coming UK-based startup), about a writing a blog post to highlight how Emotio have started using Nurph to build a real-time Twitter chat community. Nick said;

"Definitely - Nurph is a great way to get direct feedback in real time about, and walk through the concept with my early customers.."

Let's find out why.

To quote their Website directly, " is an emotional rating system for your website. Let your users rate your content by how it makes them feel, and help them discover more of your content based on their current mood. We help you analyse emotional response, so you can design, curate or sell better, and engage your users on an intriguing new level."

Emotio are using a Twitter account, @GetEmotio, as a broadcast system for notable information and goings-on around their company. Nurph complements this by giving them a real-time chat Channel with which they can bring their Twitter friends together in one place for real-time chat, real-time tweet streaming, conversation search, daily archives, and a whole load more.



To get all this, @nickwsmith; simply typed 'GetEmotio' in to Nurph and Nurph instantly transported him to, the Nurph Channel for the Twitter account on For every Twitter Profile there is a Nurph Channel; try it for your own Twitter username.

Next up, Nick installed the Nurph Widget for @GetEmotio; on his website. This means that visitors to will now see the number of participants chatting in the @GetEmotio; Channel, and they'll be encouraged to join the conversation.



Then @nickwsmith tweeted about using Nurph, invited his followers in to chat, and he mentioned that he would be hanging out in his Nurph Channel should his followers fancy a good old chin-wag. I do the same thing with @NurphHQ - it's even on my business card (complete with opening hours of Mon-to-Fri, 9 - 5 GMT).


At this point @nickwsmith now has a place where other Twitterers can find him online, he can hang out there during business hours, and he can meet & greet people in cyber space. The conversation happens in a way that makes it easy to follow, and there's a seamless transition to and from the best message broadcasting system on the Internet (Twitter).

That's Nurph in a nutshell. Follow the steps above and I promise you'll start to see Twitter - and the Internet - in a different light.

Angel Investment

I'm very happy to announce that Nurph has closed a round of angel funding from a private investor (our first round of investment). I won't go in to all the details right now, but I will say that we're incredibly excited about the opportunities this creates for the Nurph chat service and company.

What does this mean for Nurph? Ever since Nurphy transitioned to Nurph - and from slow-paced, asynchronous conversation to real-time chat - we've been working away in an "iteration phase" during which several product directions have been tried & tested (Nurphy co-founder Paul moved on from the company during this period). Now that we can see the light at the end of the "Product/Market Fit" tunnel, the investment will be used to build out pretty much every aspect of the very, very early version of Nurph that you can already use right now on This includes the ramping up the feature development and, to that end, building out the team!

The current Nurph line-up is Elliott Kember (@elliottkember), the Rockstar Rails Contract Developer, and myself (Neil Cauldwell, @neilcauldwell), the Founder. If you would like to join us on the journey of building out Nurph, we're hiring and we would love to hear from you.

Finally, try typing the name of your Twitter account in to - if you like that, there's a ridiculous amount of interesting things in the works for Nurph - so stay tuned to the blog & @NurphHQ, chat with us in #NurphHQ, and check the Getting Started page for advanced tips on how to make the most of a Nurph Channel.

The Very First Blog Post

This is the very first blog post on The Official Nurph Blog...and we're using it to fill out the blog template - but come and chat with the Nurph team in #NurphHQ whilst we compose the first real blog post. In the meantime, here's a "lorem ipsum" powered interlude to make this blog look grander than it really is...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla aliquet est a elit luctus non mattis elit sollicitudin. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent pretium dictum congue. Integer ante risus, rutrum a gravida vel, iaculis ac elit. Phasellus suscipit sapien quis erat pellentesque non varius justo scelerisque. Sed a imperdiet erat. Nulla eros ipsum, euismod a bibendum placerat, sodales eget sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus feugiat scelerisque sapien eget luctus. Nam sed nunc enim, ac varius justo. Curabitur venenatis sollicitudin est ut dictum.

Mauris posuere adipiscing convallis. Vestibulum eu ante vel ligula vehicula mattis vel vel mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras interdum molestie massa, viverra hendrerit nisi sollicitudin at. Aliquam fringilla urna ut est auctor vel imperdiet leo porttitor. In lacinia lacinia erat aliquam ultricies. Curabitur arcu mauris, pharetra sed ornare in, sagittis eu dui. Vivamus arcu magna, aliquam sit amet suscipit eget, suscipit nec quam. Donec vel dolor id nunc rutrum vulputate ac vel velit. Suspendisse id orci tellus. Duis non justo eget turpis scelerisque bibendum. Donec vestibulum justo at lacus consequat venenatis. Nulla ac turpis pellentesque metus condimentum semper vitae tincidunt massa. Vestibulum ut lectus tellus. Morbi pellentesque urna non turpis tincidunt a porttitor ipsum vestibulum. Integer vestibulum semper gravida.